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Zhandarbek Bekshin announced forecast on coronavirus incidence in Almaty in October

Chief Sanitary Doctor of Almaty Zhandarbek Bekshin announced forecast on coronavirus incidence in the city in October.

During the briefing, Bekshin noted that from August 25 in Almaty there has been a stabilization of the epidemiological situation. A decrease in cases among residents of the city was recorded from 1605 to August 25 to 976 to September 8. According to Bekshin's forecasts, the decline will continue until mid-October.

"By the end of October, we should already reach the level of 50-200 cases per day. The city, of course, is a huge, high population density. Of course, the coronavirus will not go anywhere, the minimum number of it will be recorded, which will allow our medical organizations to work normally, "said Bekshin.

Earlier, the chief sanitary doctor said that part of the hospitals for patients with coronavirus are closed and their total number is reduced. Bekshin also noted that it is too early for the townspeople to calm down.According to him, this fall there is a risk of contracting mixed infection, that is, both flu and coronavirus at the same time.


 According to Zhandarbek Bekshin, by September 9, the situation on coronavirus in Almaty stabilized with a steady decrease in daily growth. However, he noted that in the matrix for assessing the epidemiological situation, the city continues to be in the "red" zone.

"Since the beginning of the year, 137 thousand cases have been registered, in August - almost 47 thousand, and since the beginning of September - about nine thousand. Since August 25, the epidemic has stabilized with the decline of the fourth wave of the epidemic due to the "Indian" version. COVID-19 While on August 25 there were 1,605 cases, on September 8 - 976 cases. There is a decrease in the disease among residents of the city. This is due to the formation of 46 percent of the immune layer of the population of Almaty today. But it's too early to calm down, "said the head of the city Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control.

Bekshin also noted that after stabilizing and reducing the spread of coronavirus, restrictive measures were relaxed.

"We have adopted certain attenuations with the maximum use of digitalization capabilities, including objects in the Ashyq program. However, due to the tense epidemiological situation, the main restrictive measures will continue. Once again, I urge the population to vaccinate as soon as possible and observe the masque regime in public places and in public transport, not to visit objects with a mass accumulation of people (nightclubs, restaurants, cafes), to limit mass events at home, "the chief sanvrach of Almaty added.
